Fantasy Rugby Draft (FRD) – A Random Website

FRD Trophy

I have a group of friends, mostly still based back home in South Africa, where we take part in a rugby fantasy league, Fantasy Rugby Draft, acronymed FRD. The game is really only a secondary purpose for the guys to have an avenue to hang out, insult each other and have a good time in weekly battles.

The winner gets famed in glory, a reclaimed trophy and the ability to rename the league for the following year.

The ultimate loser at the end of the season sports an embarrassing trophy of his own, the shame of letting his family and friends down, and then having to fork out for a league pro subscription for the following year’s league.

We have had the league going for a few years now, and have since implemented our own sub-rules, awards and un-awards… awards you don’t want to get.

I originally created a splash page on Adobe Spark, but this year decided that the guys needed a real website to showcase our shenanigans…

FRD Draft 2019