Fonts by Carl Leisegang, for you, for FREE!

Agent ‘C’ Font
The Agent ‘C’ font is based on my own handwriting, which, incidentally, is based on one of my friend’s handwriting too… That’s right. I didn’t like my own handwriting, so, in Grade 9, I asked my friend, Nkazi Sokhulu, to give me one of his workbooks one night. It was most likely Accounting, so that I could copy his homework, too…
And the result: A handwriting that looks somewhat similar to Nkazi’s, but with some distinct differences.
If you are looking at downloading this font, it’s hosted on DaFont, with a nice little link to it here.
Agent ‘C’ has been downloaded well over 50 000 times, and has been used in multiple books, graphic novels and other publications, such as on the cover art for a popular video game, Life is Strange.

The SEEDS font was created for a teen ministry program called “Seeds”.
Any donations are to please go towards the Genesis Trust, an outreach ministry of the Norwegian Settlers Church, located in Port Shepstone, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa where the Outreach ministry was started.

Carligraphy Font
The Carligraphy font was created while I was working at Port Shepstone High School as a Sports Admin Clerk, then later an Art Teacher. I was tasked with using my calligraphy skills in filling the certificates used in the school. Feeling the process needed to be streamlined; I created my own hand-script calligraphy font, lovingly called Carligraphy and set up a template for the certificates to be printed with the font doing all the work. Same look as a hand-calligraphy written certificate, a fraction of the time spent. Click here to download the font (zipped file).
An updated, cleaner version of the font is in production, to be released sometime this century.

CarlAlt. Font
Pure boredom resulted in the creation of the Carl Alt. font. Simple, different and totally free.